
St. Karli Strasse 41
6004 Luzern
Email: hello@​renatoregli.​ch

Renato Regli

Com­pany Name: rena­toregli

Data pro­tec­tion offi­cer:
Renato Regli
+41 78 806 20 48

Gen­eral / Intro­duc­tion
Based on Arti­cle 13 of the Swiss Fed­eral Con­sti­tu­tion and the data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­sions of the Swiss Con­fed­er­a­tion (Data Pro­tec­tion Act, DSG), every person has the right to pro­tec­tion of their pri­vacy as well as pro­tec­tion against misuse of their per­sonal data. The oper­a­tors of these pages take the pro­tec­tion of your per­sonal data very seri­ously. We treat your per­sonal data con­fi­den­tially and in accor­dance with the legal data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tions as well as this pri­vacy policy.

In coop­er­a­tion with our host­ing providers, we make every effort to pro­tect the data­bases as well as pos­si­ble against unau­tho­rized access, loss, misuse or fal­si­fi­ca­tion.

We would like to point out that data trans­mis­sion on the Inter­net (e.g. com­mu­ni­ca­tion by e-mail) can have secu­rity gaps. A com­plete pro­tec­tion of data against access by third par­ties is not pos­si­ble.

By using this web­site, you con­sent to the col­lec­tion, pro­cess­ing and use of data in accor­dance with the fol­low­ing descrip­tion. This web­site can gen­er­ally be vis­ited with­out reg­is­tra­tion. Data such as pages accessed or names of files accessed, date and time are stored on the server for sta­tis­ti­cal pur­poses with­out this data being directly related to your person. Per­sonal data, in par­tic­u­lar name, address or e-mail address are col­lected as far as pos­si­ble on a vol­un­tary basis. With­out your con­sent, the data will not be passed on to third par­ties.

This web­site uses cook­ies. These are small text files that make it pos­si­ble to store spe­cific infor­ma­tion related to the user on the user’s ter­mi­nal device while the user is using the web­site. Cook­ies make it pos­si­ble, in par­tic­u­lar, to deter­mine the fre­quency of use and number of users of the pages, to ana­lyze behav­ior pat­terns of page use, but also to make our offer more cus­tomer-friendly. Cook­ies remain stored beyond the end of a browser ses­sion and can be retrieved when you visit the site again. If you do not wish this to happen, you should set your Inter­net browser so that it refuses to accept cook­ies.

A gen­eral objec­tion to the use of cook­ies used for online mar­ket­ing pur­poses can be declared for a large number of the ser­vices, espe­cially in the case of track­ing, via the U.S. site http://​www​.aboutads​.info/​c​h​o​ices/ or the EU site http://​www​.youron​line​choices​.com/. Fur­ther­more, the stor­age of cook­ies can be achieved by dis­abling them in the browser set­tings. Please note that in this case not all func­tions of this online offer can be used.

With SSL/TLS encryp­tion
This web­site uses SSL/TLS encryp­tion for secu­rity rea­sons and to pro­tect the trans­mis­sion of con­fi­den­tial con­tent, such as requests that you send to us as the site oper­a­tor. You can rec­og­nize an encrypted con­nec­tion by the fact that the address line of the browser changes from http://” to https://” and by the lock symbol in your browser line.

If SSL or TLS encryp­tion is acti­vated, the data you trans­mit to us cannot be read by third par­ties.

The copy­right and all other rights to the con­tent, images, photos or other files on the web­site belong exclu­sively to the oper­a­tor of this web­site or the specif­i­cally named copy­right hold­ers. For the repro­duc­tion of all files, the writ­ten con­sent of the copy­right holder must be obtained in advance.
Anyone who com­mits a copy­right infringe­ment with­out the con­sent of the respec­tive copy­right holder may be liable to pros­e­cu­tion and pos­si­bly to dam­ages.

All infor­ma­tion on our web­site has been care­fully checked. We make every effort to ensure that the infor­ma­tion we pro­vide is up-to-date, cor­rect and com­plete. Nev­er­the­less, the occur­rence of errors can not be com­pletely excluded, so we can not guar­an­tee the com­plete­ness, accu­racy and time­li­ness of infor­ma­tion, includ­ing jour­nal­is­tic-edi­to­r­ial nature. Lia­bil­ity claims regard­ing damage caused by the use of any infor­ma­tion pro­vided, includ­ing any kind of infor­ma­tion which is incom­plete or incor­rect, will there­fore be rejected.
The pub­lisher may change or delete texts at his own dis­cre­tion and with­out notice and is not obliged to update the con­tents of this web­site. The use of or access to this web­site is at the visitor’s own risk. The pub­lisher, its clients or part­ners are not respon­si­ble for dam­ages, such as direct, indi­rect, inci­den­tal, con­se­quen­tial or puni­tive dam­ages, allegedly caused by the visit of this web­site and con­se­quently assume no lia­bil­ity for such dam­ages.
The pub­lisher also accepts no respon­si­bil­ity or lia­bil­ity for the con­tent and avail­abil­ity of third-party web­sites that can be accessed via exter­nal links on this web­site. The oper­a­tors of the linked sites are solely respon­si­ble for their con­tent. The pub­lisher thus expressly dis­tances itself from all third-party con­tent that may be rel­e­vant under crim­i­nal or lia­bil­ity law or that may offend common decency.

Google Ana­lyt­ics
This web­site uses Google Ana­lyt­ics, a web ana­lyt­ics ser­vice pro­vided by Google Ire­land Lim­ited. If the data con­troller on this web­site is located out­side the Euro­pean Eco­nomic Area or Switzer­land, then the Google Ana­lyt­ics data pro­cess­ing is car­ried out by Google LLC. Google LLC and Google Ire­land Lim­ited are here­inafter referred to as Google”.
The sta­tis­tics obtained enable us to improve our offer and make it more inter­est­ing for you as a user. This web­site also uses Google Ana­lyt­ics for a cross-device analy­sis of vis­i­tor flows, which is car­ried out via a user ID. If you have a Google user account, you can deac­ti­vate the cross-device analy­sis of your usage in the set­tings there under My data”, Per­sonal data”.
The legal basis for the use of Google Ana­lyt­ics is Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 lit. f DS-GVO. The IP address trans­mit­ted by your browser as part of Google Ana­lyt­ics will not be merged with other data from Google. We would like to point out that on this web­site Google Ana­lyt­ics has been extended by the code _anonymizeIp();” to ensure anonymized col­lec­tion of IP addresses. This means that IP addresses are processed in abbre­vi­ated form, which means that they cannot be linked to a spe­cific person. If the data col­lected about you is related to a person, this is imme­di­ately excluded and the per­sonal data is deleted imme­di­ately.
Only in excep­tional cases will the full IP address be trans­ferred to a Google server in the USA and short­ened there. On behalf of the oper­a­tor of this web­site, Google will use this infor­ma­tion for the pur­pose of eval­u­at­ing your use of the web­site, com­pil­ing reports on web­site activ­ity and pro­vid­ing other ser­vices relat­ing to web­site activ­ity and inter­net usage to the web­site oper­a­tor. For the excep­tional cases in which per­sonal data is trans­ferred to the USA, Google has sub­mit­ted to the EU-US Pri­vacy Shield, https://​www​.pri​va​cyshield​.gov/​E​U​-​U​S​-​F​r​a​m​ework.
Google Ana­lyt­ics uses cook­ies. The infor­ma­tion gen­er­ated by the cookie about your use of this web­site is usu­ally trans­mit­ted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. You may refuse the use of cook­ies by select­ing the appro­pri­ate set­tings on your browser, how­ever please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full func­tion­al­ity of this web­site. You can also pre­vent the col­lec­tion of data gen­er­ated by the cookie and related to your use of the web­site (includ­ing your IP address) to Google and the pro­cess­ing of this data by Google by down­load­ing and installing the browser plugin avail­able at the fol­low­ing link: Dis­able Google Ana­lyt­ics.
In addi­tion, you can also pre­vent the use of Google Ana­lyt­ics by click­ing on this link: Dis­able Google Ana­lyt­ics. This will save a so-called opt-out cookie on your data car­rier, which pre­vents the pro­cess­ing of per­sonal data by Google Ana­lyt­ics. Please note that if you delete all cook­ies on your ter­mi­nal device, these opt-out cook­ies will also be deleted, i.e. you will have to set the opt-out cook­ies again if you wish to con­tinue to pre­vent this form of data col­lec­tion. The opt-out cook­ies are set per browser and computer/​end device and must there­fore be acti­vated sep­a­rately for each browser, com­puter or other end device.

Google Web­Fonts
This web­site uses so-called web fonts pro­vided by Google for the uni­form dis­play of fonts. When you call up a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into its browser cache in order to dis­play texts and fonts cor­rectly. If your browser does not sup­port web fonts, a stan­dard font is used by your com­puter.
You can find more infor­ma­tion on Google Web Fonts at https://​devel​op​ers​.google​.com/​f​o​n​t​s/faq and in Google’s pri­vacy policy: https://​www​.google​.com/​p​o​l​i​c​i​e​s​/​p​r​i​vacy/

Agency ser­vices
We process the data of our cus­tomers in accor­dance with the data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­sions of the Fed­eral (Data Pro­tec­tion Act, DSG) and the EU-DSGVO in the con­text of our con­trac­tual ser­vices.
In doing so, we process inven­tory data (e.g., cus­tomer master data, such as names or addresses), con­tact data (e.g., e-mail, tele­phone num­bers), con­tent data (e.g., text entries, etc.), con­tract data (e.g., sub­ject matter of the con­tract, term), pay­ment data (e.g., bank details, pay­ment his­tory), usage data and meta­data (e.g., in the con­text of eval­u­at­ing and mea­sur­ing the suc­cess of mar­ket­ing mea­sures). Data sub­jects include our cus­tomers, prospec­tive cus­tomers as well as their cus­tomers, users, web­site vis­i­tors or employ­ees as well as third par­ties. The pur­pose of the pro­cess­ing is the pro­vi­sion of con­trac­tual ser­vices, billing and our cus­tomer ser­vice. The legal basis for the pro­cess­ing results from Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b DSGVO (con­trac­tual ser­vices), Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f DSGVO (analy­sis, sta­tis­tics, opti­miza­tion, secu­rity mea­sures). We process data that are nec­es­sary for the jus­ti­fi­ca­tion and ful­fill­ment of con­trac­tual ser­vices and indi­cate the neces­sity of their dis­clo­sure. Dis­clo­sure to exter­nal par­ties only takes place if it is nec­es­sary in the con­text of an order. When pro­cess­ing the data pro­vided to us as part of an order, we act in accor­dance with the instruc­tions of the client as well as the legal require­ments of a com­mis­sioned pro­cess­ing pur­suant to Art. 28 DSGVO and do not process the data for any other pur­poses than those spec­i­fied in the order.
We delete the data after expiry of legal war­ranty and com­pa­ra­ble oblig­a­tions. The neces­sity of keep­ing the data is reviewed at irreg­u­lar inter­vals. In the case of legal archiv­ing oblig­a­tions, dele­tion takes place after their expiry. In the case of data dis­closed to us by the client as part of an order, we delete the data in accor­dance with the spec­i­fi­ca­tions of the order, gen­er­ally after the end of the order.

The author assumes no lia­bil­ity for the cor­rect­ness, accu­racy, time­li­ness, reli­a­bil­ity and com­plete­ness of the infor­ma­tion.
Lia­bil­ity claims against the author for mate­r­ial or imma­te­r­ial damage result­ing from access to, use or non-use of the pub­lished infor­ma­tion, from misuse of the con­nec­tion or from tech­ni­cal mal­func­tions are excluded.

All offers are non-bind­ing. The author expressly reserves the right to change, add to, or delete parts of the pages or the entire offer with­out prior notice, or to tem­porar­ily or per­ma­nently cease pub­li­ca­tion.

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