
Cantina Transalpina

Women and men on the big tunnel con­struc­tion sites of Switzer­land 1870 – 2005.

With the cul­tural project Can­tina Transalpina”, the Verein Tun­nel­bau und Gender presents six exhi­bi­tions on the social his­tory of tunnel con­struc­tion in the summer of 2007 in Brig, Gösch­enen, Kan­der­steg, Pol­le­gio, on the Got­thard Pass and in the Verkehr­shaus Luzern.

What wants to be a right moun­tain in Switzer­land has a tunnel. In 2007, two of these build­ings will be the focus of public atten­tion: the Got­thard Tunnel (cel­e­brat­ing its 125th anniver­sary) and the Lötschberg Base Tunnel.

The his­tory of tun­nel­ing so far was mostly a man’s story because it focused on work­ing in tun­nels — on engi­neers and miners. The exhi­bi­tions illu­mi­nate the envi­ron­ment of the tunnel con­struc­tion site as a whole, the every­day life in the tunnel vil­lages. This also brings into focus the women and chil­dren who moved with the miners and engi­neers to the tunnel con­struc­tion site as well as the women and men who worked in the trade around it. Also shown are the inter­ac­tions between the tem­po­rary com­mu­nity and the res­i­dent pop­u­la­tion.

Cantina Transalpina
Cantina Transalpina Szenografie
Cantina Transalpina Szenografie
Cantina Transalpina Szenografie
Cantina Transalpina Szenografie
Cantina Transalpina Szenografie